Exhibition "Mesimagus"

You are invited to visit a very special exhibition at Behemoth’s center!
Exhibition „Mesimagus” (“Honey sweet”) brings together Maria Izabella Lehtsaar’s graphic art works from the last three years.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on 24/03 at 18:00, Kalevi 15.
In their art practice Lehtsaar deals with themes of exploring queer experiences and mental health. They are interested in different motifs that have become a part of queer history. Inventing new symbols alongside the old, they create narratives around them that play along the fine line between fantasy and reality.
Maria Izabella Lehtsaar (1998) is a Tallinn-based artist, who mixes together textile, graphic art, drawing, installation and text in their works. Lehtsaar graduated from Estonian Academy of Arts with a bachelor’s degree in graphic art and is currently studying for a master’s degree in contemporary art. In 2021 they received a scholarship from the Edmund Valtman Foundation.
The exhibition is open for visitors 24/03-29/04 at Kalevi 15.
The project (and this exhibition!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.