
For students

Come and do an internship at Behemoth’s center!

We have already hosted students from the University of Tartu and Tartu Art School and will be happy to have interns from any other institutions. Get in touch with us at

Possible tasks are:

  • taking care of the center and the guests from 3 PM till 7 PM;
  • organizing workshops and events;
  • writing, editing and translating texts for social media;
  •  design and illustration;
  • photo and video at our events. 

For schools

If you work at school and would like your students to learn more about LGBTQ+ issues,  invite us for a talk! 

We are ready to discuss any LGBTQ-related topics and introduce the possibilities offered by Behemoth’s center. And we can bring our free pins and stickers!

For partners

Do you want to organize an LGBTQ-themed lecture, film night, or a workshop? Get in touch with us and we see what we can do 🙂

We have partners from all around the world, including Tartu2024, Tartu Noorsootöö Keskus, Estonian LGBT Association, Q-Space, Tartu LGBT+, Festheart, Estonian Association of Transgender People and many more.