Jewelry-making workshop

Our next jewelry-making workshop takes place on Tuesday, August 22th at 17:00 at Behemoth’s centre. 🤩 Each participant will have an opportunity to create a beaded brooch from scratch using different beadwork technics. 🤯
Entrance fee is a small donation to Behemoth’s centre, the size of which you can decide yourself. Every donation is appreciated! 🥰 Donations help us continue our work even after our project funding ends. 😇🌻
🐸✨ If you cannot come to our workshop on Tuesday but would still like to donate, the information is here:
MTÜ Peemoti Raamatud
Thank you for your donation! See you at the workshop! 🐝🌈
22 августа в 17:00 в Peemot пройдет мастер-класс по изготовлению расшитых бисером брошей. Вы сможете попробовать разные техники вышивания бисером! 🤯
🐸✨ Примите участие в мастер-классе, сделав небольшое пожертвование в пользу нашего центра.