Queers vs. State

Being queer has never been easy, and, at least in a half of the world, is still highly dangerous. The next book club meeting on December 8th, 5 PM, will be dedicated to the complicated relationship of LGBTQ+ and state.
What is it like to be a queer under a threat of imprisonment or death penalty? How did LGBTQ+ people survive in totalitarian states? What kind of challenges do we face by being queers in contemporary Estonia?
Also, December is HIV/AIDS Awareness Month, which is a perfect time to remember the most brutal struggle for LGBTQ+ lives, which resulted in major changes in legislation worldwide.
Check out our book and film recommendations and share your own advice in the comments!
P.S. We have pizza! 😉 🍕
- “Great believers” by Rebecca Makkai
- “To Paradise” by Hanya Yanagihara
- “Kalevi alt välja” by Andreas Kalkun, Rebeka Põldsam, Vahur Aabrams
- “Bad Gays: A Homosexual History” by Ben Miller and Huw Lemmey
- “All The Young Men” by Ruth Coker Burks, Kevin Carr O’Leary
- “Red Closet: The Hidden History of Gay Oppression in the USSR” by Rustam Alexander
Films and TV shows:
- Paris is burning (1990)
- V for Vendetta (2006)
- Milk (2008)
- Pride (2014)
- 120 beats per minute (2017)
- Boy Erased (2018)
- Firebird (2021)
- It’s a Sin (2021)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.