Trans support group 21.08

This summer’s last trans support group takes place on Monday, August 21st at 18:00, this time at Genialistide club. 😨 You will get a great chance to ask Eesti LGBT Association’s lived experience counsellor Eke all your questions about the transitioning process in Estonia. 🤩🌞
Everyone under the trans umbrella is welcome to join, as are those that want to get a better idea of what the transitioning process looks like in Estonia to know how to better support their friends-family-acquaintances. ☔️ We kindly ask any press not to attend the meeting. 🥰🏳️⚧️
If there is enough interest, we will figure out a way to broadcast the discussion over Zoom. 🤓 Please let us know if you would like to listen in online! 😇
🐸 The support group is moderated by volunteers from Behemoth’s centre and MTÜ Tartu LGBT+, and is made possible with the help of Eesti Transinimeste Ühing, Vikerruum and Genialistide Club. Our project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations. 🐝
See you on Monday! 🏳️⚧️