Behemoth’s news

Behemoth's news

Hi everyone, Behemoth here! 😸

Here’s a brief overview of what we’ve done this week and are planning to do in the future. 😇

Firstly, we invite you to march with us at Baltic Pride in Tallinn! If you’re interested, let us know and write to 😄

Secondly, we have new stickers celebrating marriage equality (which hopefully comes true) and these are completely free. 🏳️‍🌈 Of course, we also have a huge pile of other free stickers. Come and have a look! 😘

Thirdly, we have some LGBT+ artists’ works on display at our center, which can be purchased. You can also bring your own work for sale – just come by one day and we’ll agree on the terms! 😇

Fourthly, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar’s exhibition “Sweet as Honey” is still on display at our center. Be sure to come and see it before the exhibition ends!

Fifthly, our usual events took place this week: art circle, board game night, handicraft circle, and book club.

On Monday, we met with representatives from organizations Vikerruum and Tartu LGBT+ to talk about Pride Month events, including Baltic Pride, which takes place from June 6th to 11th in Tallinn. 🏳️‍🌈 We also came up with some great events in Tartu, which we can’t talk about just yet (big secrets!). 🤫

On Tuesday, we held a meeting with volunteers to thank them and discuss our future plans. We had a productive meeting, and it was also great to talk to each other again for a longer time. If you want to become a volunteer, write to us at 😘

On Tuesday, we also had our usual art club! This time we didn’t have a specific theme, we just drew and painted together. The art club takes place every Tuesday from 6 pm to 8 pm, and next week we’ll be making collages together! 🥳

On Wednesday, we played board games together, and the most popular game among volunteers right now is “Railroad Ink.” If you have a board game you’d like to play with someone, but nobody at home wants to play it – come and play with us! 🎲 Board game nights take place every Wednesday from 5 pm to 8 pm, but of course, we’re ready to play board games on other days as well.

On Thursday, we did handicrafts together, again in a free format. If you have a project you’re working on and would like to do it in a fun company, come and visit us! Of course, those who don’t do or don’t know how to do handicrafts are also welcome – if necessary, we’ll teach you, if not, we’ll just hang out with you. 😘

Our book club met for the second time on Friday, and we’re currently reading Casey McQuiston’s “One Last Stop”. If you want to join the book club, but don’t have this book at hand, come to our center – we have two copies. 😉 The next book club meeting will take place on April 28th at 6 pm.

On Friday, we also met with members of the Open Estonia Foundation, who represent the Active Citizens Fund, which funds our current project. It was a great meeting, and we received valuable feedback on our activities. Thank you for coming to visit us! 💖 You can read more about our project here. 

We had a meeting with the organizers of the 6ede6õrgu6idu on Friday. We’ll keep the details of our discussion to ourselves for now. 🙏 We also had a visit from Schrödinger the cat, who was very well-behaved. Well-behaved cats are always welcome to visit us. 😻


Next Friday, our center will host the first meeting of a trans support group/discussion circle from 6pm to 8pm, and we invite you to join us. 🏳️‍⚧️ If you’d like to participate, please sign up.

Next week’s schedule:

  • Monday: open 16-20
  • Tuesday: open 16-20,  art club 18-20
  • Wednesday: open 16-20, board game night 17-20
  • Thursday: open 16-20, crafts club 18-20
  • Friday: open 16-21, the first trans discussion/support group 18-20
  • Saturday-Sunday: closed

See you next week!

Peemot (and friends) 🐾

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Reading with Behemoth

Reading with Behemoth

📚 Today was the first meeting of our book club and that’s the book we’ve chosen – “One Last Stop” by Casey McQuiston. It’s LGBT+ romance novel with a pinch of sci-fi. 🔮

Next time we’ll meet on April 14 at 18:00 and discuss the first 6 chapters (around 100 pages). And we are telling you all this, so you can join as well!

🤫 DM us and we will add you to our secret book club chat.

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Book club

Book club

📚 For all book nerds out there – we are finally launching our own book club! Each month we will read a new book and meet to share our impressions. The uniting focus when choosing literature will be LGBTQ+ and its intersectionality with other progressive issues (but not only!). 

🐈‍⬛ The first meeting will take place on this Friday, March 31st at 18:00. We will discuss our favorite (LGBTQ+ and other) books and decide on the first one to read together. Reading suggestions – everything from romance, poetry, fantasy or historical fiction to non-fiction – are very welcome! 

📗 Whether you’d consider yourself an experienced reader or someone who hasn’t yet gotten into it but would love to hear promotions of books with topics close to our hearts, come join us! Perhaps something we talk about will spark your interest. 🙂

📘 The meetings will take place in either English or Estonian, depending on the needs of the audience. 

See you on Friday at Behemoth’s Centre! 🐾

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Zine workshop

Zine workshop

FB ürituse link / FB event link

🇪🇪 EST

Zine’ide töötuba tuleb taas!

Millal? 25. märtsil kl 17:00

Kus? Peemoti keskuses, Kalevi 15, Tartu

💡 Kas tahad luua omaenda lühikoomiksi, DIY kogu luuletustest, jagada oma kirjutisi füüsilises formaadis või lihtsalt õppida uut toredat viisi kunsti luua? 📎 Siis tule järgmisel laupäeval (25.03) meie zine’ide loomise töötuppa!

Töötoa esimeses pooles õpetame seda, kuidas zine’e tehakse, peale mida võivad kõik ise oma zine’e valmistada. 🖍

✂️ Kunstitarbed on olemas kohapeal, kuid võid ka ise markereid, pliiatseid, kääre, liimi, ajakirju jms kaasa võtta. ✏️

Projekti (ja seda üritust!) rahastab EMP toetuste Aktiivsete Kodanike Fond, mida vahendab Avatud Eesti Fond koostöös Vabaühenduste Liiduga. 💜


🇬🇧 ENG

Zine workshop is happening again!

When? March 25th, at 17:00

Where? Behemoth’s centre, Kalevi 15, Tartu

💡 Want to make your very own short comic, DIY collection of poems, distribute your literary creations in physical form or just learn a fun art skill? 📎 Then come to our workshop next Saturday (25/03) to learn how to make zines!

There will be a technical demonstration in the first part of the workshop, after which participants will be able to experiment and create their very own zines freely. 🖍

✂️ Art supplies will be provided on site, but you can bring your own markers, pencils, scissors, glue, magazines, etc. ✏️

The project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations. 💜

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Exhibition „Mesimagus”

Exhibition "Mesimagus"

You are invited to visit a very special exhibition at Behemoth’s center!

Exhibition „Mesimagus” (“Honey sweet”) brings together Maria Izabella Lehtsaar’s graphic art works from the last three years.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on 24/03 at 18:00, Kalevi 15.

In their art practice Lehtsaar deals with themes of exploring queer experiences and mental health. They are interested in different motifs that have become a part of queer history. Inventing new symbols alongside the old, they create narratives around them that play along the fine line between fantasy and reality.

Maria Izabella Lehtsaar (1998) is a Tallinn-based artist, who mixes together textile, graphic art, drawing, installation and text in their works. Lehtsaar graduated from Estonian Academy of Arts with a bachelor’s degree in graphic art and is currently studying for a master’s degree in contemporary art. In 2021 they received a scholarship from the Edmund Valtman Foundation.

The exhibition is open for visitors 24/03-29/04 at Kalevi 15.

The project (and this exhibition!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.

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Help us develop support groups

Help us develop support groups


Aita meil arendada tugigruppe/vestlusõhtuid! 👀

Soovime luua regulaarsed üritused, kus kogukonna liikmed saaksid üksteisega kogemusi vahetada ja tuge pakkuda. 🐈

Millised peaksid vestlusõhtud olema? Palun vasta meie lühikesele küsimustikule (täitmine võtab umbes 10 minutit). Aitäh! 💜


Please help us develop support groups / community gatherings! 👀

We want to make an event series that brings community members together to share their experiences and offer each other support. 🐈

What should these events be like? Please fill out our short questionnaire (it should take around 10 minutes). Thank you! 💜

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Plant hangers workshop

Plant hangers workshop

FB ürituse link / Link to FB event:

Selle nädala käsitööringis õpime, kuidas ise lõngast-nöörist rippuvaid taimehoidjaid teha. 🪴

Kohapeal on lõnga, aga soovi korral saad ise endale meeldivad materjalid kaasa võtta. 🧶 Muidugi võid ka mõne oma projekti kallal meie toredas seltskonnas töötada. ✂️

Kohtumiseni neljapäeval, 16. märtsil kl 18! 🌞

Projekti (ja seda üritust!) rahastab EMP toetuste Aktiivsete Kodanike Fond, mida vahendab Avatud Eesti Fond koostöös Vabaühenduste Liiduga. 💜


During this week’s crafts club meeting we’ll be learning how to make plant hangers! 🪴

We have craft supplies available at the centre but you can also bring yours along, if you wish. 🧶 Of course, if you want to, you can also just work on your arts/crafts project in our company. ✂️

See you on Thursday (March 16) at 18:00! 🌞

The project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations. 💜

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Aparaat galleries tour

Aparaaditehase galeriide giidituur

FB ürituse link / FB event link

Registreerimislink / Sign-up link

🇪🇪 & 🇬🇧 ⬇️

🖼 Ootame Sind liituma ühiskülastusega Aparaaditehase galeriidesse! Koguneme Aparaaditehase sisehoovis Kogo galerii juures 18. märtsil kl 14.00, et sealt üheskoos kunsti vaatama minna.

🎨 Tuuri viib läbi Kogo galerii programmijuht Stella Mõttus ja käime koos läbi alljärgnevad galeriid (nimekiri täieneb!):

1. Kogo galerii

2. Haki galerii

3. Karud ja Pojad

🖌 Peale tuuri lõppu toimub Kogo galeriis kirjade kirjutamise töötuba (algusega kl 15.00), mis on inspireeritud Kogo näitusest “Tervitused ja mis iganes taastaks meie katkema kippuva suhte” ja mille raames kirjutame kirju endistele sõpradele.

🎟 Piletitasu on 3 eurot, mida kogume sularahas enne tuuri. 100% piletirahast läheb otse Kogo galeriile.

Kui oled osalemisest huvitatud, registreeri end palun siin.


🖼 We invite you to join us for a visit to the galleries of Aparaaditehas! We gather near the Kogo gallery in the courtyard of Aparaaditehas on the 18th of March at 14:00 to go and enjoy some art.

🎨 Our tour guide is Kogo gallery’s programme manager Stella Mõttus who will take us to the following galleries (the list is still growing!):

1. Kogo gallery

2. Haki gallery

3. Karud ja Pojad

🖌 After the tour we are having a letter-writing workshop (starting at 15:00), as inspired by the exhibition Greetings, and Whatever Customarily Restores a Bond About to Break, during which we will write letters to our former friends.

🎟 The tickets are 3€ each, we ask you to bring cash. You can pay for the tickets right before we begin the tour. 100% of ticket money goes directly to Kogo Gallery.

If you are interested in this event and would like to join, please sign up here.

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Cat and rat draw

Cat and rat draw

FB ürituse link / FB event link

👀 Kutsume Sind Peemoti keskusesse 14. märtsil kl 18.00 väga erilisele Cat and Rat Draw sündmusele, mis toimub kunstiringi üritusteseeria raames. Meiega liituvad rott Nora ja kassid Juno ja Nilson. 🐀🐈🐈‍⬛

🎨 Meil on keskuses kohapeal kunstivahendeid, aga võid ka enda omad kaasa võtta. Kui Sa annad nõusoleku, teeme ürituse lõpus kunstiteostest pilti. 🖼

‼️ ÄRA VÕTA kaasa oma lemmikloomi, me ei lase Sul nendega keskusesse siseneda. Me palume Sul üritusele mitte tulla kui Sa oled rottide/kasside suhtes allergiline, kuna me ei oska Sind allergilise reaktsiooni korral aidata. Me ei vastuta kahju eest, mida lemmikloomad Sulle või Su varale ürituse kestuse ajal põhjustavad.

Projekti (ja seda üritust!) rahastab EMP toetuste Aktiivsete Kodanike Fond, mida vahendab Avatud Eesti Fond koostöös Vabaühenduste Liiduga. 💜


👀 We invite you to come to Behemoth’s Centre on March 14th at 18:00 for a very special Cat and Rat Draw as part of our art club event series! We will be joined by our models – Nora the rat, and cats Juno and Nilson. 🐀🐈🐈‍⬛

🎨 You are welcome to bring your own art supplies, although we also have some at the centre. The artworks may be photographed at the end of the event with your consent. 🖼

‼️ DO NOT bring your own pets with you, you will not be allowed to enter the centre with them. We urge you not to come to the event if you are allergic to cats and/or rats, as we will not be able to help you, should you experience an allergic reaction. We are not responsible for any harm directly caused by the pets to you or your belongings.

The project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations. 💜

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Art club

Art club

🖍 The first meeting of Art club is happening next Tuesday! 🖇 Come and draw, paint, make collages or just chill!

✂️ We have some drawing, painting, and collage-making supplies at the centre, but you can of course also bring your own.

✏️ See you on Tuesday, 21/02 at 18:00 at Behemoth’s centre (Kalevi 15, Tartu)!

‼️ This is the first event of the Art club event series, going forward the meetings will be held at the same place and same time (Tuesdays at 18:00–20:00 at Behemoth’s centre).

The project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.

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