Book club 26.08

Book club 26.08

👀 Our next regular book club meeting will take place on August 26th at 16:00, and will be dedicated to Elliot Page’s autobiography “Pageboy”. In this coming-of-age memoir, the famous actor and trans advocate shares his rocky life journey alongside reflections on gender, love, mental health, and relationships. A true must-read for all the LGBTQ+ folks out there. 😳🤓😘

You are very welcome to join even if you have not read the book. If you would like to get a copy of the book and/or join our secret book chat, please DM us. 😜🥶

Our project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations. 💜

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Outdoor sketching 2.08

Outdoor sketching 2.08

This week’s outdoor sketching event takes place on August 2nd at 18:00 next to St Alexander’s Orthodox Church on Sõbra street. If you can, take along something to sit on as there aren’t many benches in the area.

🎨 If you need drawing or painting supplies, drop by Behemoth’s centre (Kalevi 15) on the same date between 16:00–18:00. We ask you to bring supplies with you, as the organizers won’t have enough for everyone on the spot.

🐾 In case you can’t attend this event, come to the next on August 9th at 18:00! The location will be decided on during the previous event and we will let you know as soon as we can, so keep an eye out for that.

💜 Our project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.

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Jewelry-making workshop

Jewelry-making workshop

🇬🇧 A jewelry-making workshop will take place on August, 11th at 17:00 at Behemoth’s center. Each participant will have an opportunity to create a beaded jewelry piece (bracelet, earrings or pin) from scratch.

😇 The event is beginner friendly. Participation is free of charge!

✨ Our project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.


🇷🇺 11 августа в 17:00 в Peemot пройдет мастер-класс по изготовлению украшений. Кажд_ая участни_ца сможет сделать себе из бисера браслет, серьги или брошь.

😇 Мастер-класс подходит для начинающих. Участие совершенно бесплатно!

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Barbie club at Peemot

Barbie club on 5.08.

A capitalist icon or a symbol of liberation, a patriarchal ideal or the leader of an emancipatory movement? All that and many more will be the focus of our next book club meeting dedicated to Barbie! (That’s definitely not a book, but who cares).🎀

👠 In particular, we’ll discuss the film “Barbie” by Greta Gerwig and earlier media incarnations of the legendary doll. Our agenda includes examining how the representation of Barbie has changed over the years, whether Barbie can be considered feminist, and exploring her relation to the LGBTQ+ community.

💅🏻 See you on Saturday, August 5th, 16:00, at Behemoth’s center!
Dress-code: Barbie (if you like)

💜 The project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.👸🏼🧁🛼


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Sketching Wednesdays

Sketching Wednesdays

This summer we’re having sketching-painting evenings on Wednesday nights that take place in the fresh air. Bring along your drawing supplies, show up and enjoy the company, summery Tartu and making art!

We’ll meet on July 26th at 18:00 in front of the library of Tartu University. If you can, take along something to sit on.

If you need drawing or painting supplies, drop by Behemoth’s centre (Kalevi 15) on the same date between 16:00–18:00. We ask you to bring supplies with you, as the organizers won’t have enough for everyone on the spot.

In case you can’t attend this event, come to the next on August 2nd at 18:00! The location will be decided on during the previous event and we will let you know as soon as we can, so keep an eye out for that.

Our project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.

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Six Artists’ Exhibition

Six Artists' Exhibition

The opening of Six Artists’ Exhibition takes place on Friday, July 28th at 20:00.

This exhibition will showcase the works of six independent artists with very different backgrounds and stories. The works exhibited range from sketchbooks to paintings and graphic prints.

✨ The exhibition remains open from 28/07–18/08/2023 and can be viewed Mon–Fri at 16:00–20:00 at Behemoth’s centre.

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Arvamusfestival 2023

Arvamusfestival 2023

Jagame kutset! Sharing an invitation!


🇪🇪 Tere! 🧐 Otsime Paide arvamusfestivali noorteprojekti jaoks 16–20aastaseid vene ja ukraina noori. Eesti Kunstikoolide Noorteühing soovib arvamusfestivalil, 11. augustil kell 13:30-19:30 läbi viia ühise töötoa ja avaliku vestluse eri rahvusest noortega. Loome ühise sõnumi  ja uurime, mis asi on integratsioon? See on tore väljakutse ja võimalus saada uusi tuttavaid üle Eesti! (Eesti keele oskus ei ole vajalik).

Palun võtke minuga ühendust, ootan väga!


FB/Messenger Laineli Parrest 

🇺🇦 Вітаємо! Молодіжний проект Фестивалю думок (Paide Arvamusfestival) шукає україномовних та російськомовних учасників 16-20 років. Молодіжне об’єднання естонських шкіл мистецтв проводить єдиний майстер-клас та відкриту бесіду з молоддю різних національностей у рамках фестивалю. Захід буде проходити у м. Пайде 11 серпня з 13:30 до 19:30. Ми разом обговоримо, що таке інтеграція. Це чудова нагода проявити себе та познайомитися з людьми з усієї Естонії! Знання естонської мови необов’язкове.

Для реєстрації як учасника пишіть мені, я дуже чекаю ваших повідомлень:

FB/Messenger: Laineli Parrest

🇷🇺 Привет! Молодежный проект Фестиваля мнений (Paide Arvamusfestival) ищет русскоязычных и украинских участников 16-20 лет. Молодежное объединение эстонских школ искусств проведет в рамках Фестиваля единый мастер-класс и открытую беседу с молодыми людьми разных национальностей. Мероприятие пройдет в г. Пайде 11 августа с 13:30 по 19:30. Мы вместе обсудим, что такое интеграция. Это прекрасная возможность проявить себя и познакомиться с людьми со всей Эстонии! Знание эстонского языка необязательно. 

Для регистрации в качестве участника пишите мне, я очень жду ваших сообщений:

FB/Messenger: Laineli Parrest

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This week at Behemoth’s centre

This week at Behemoth's centre

Behemoth’s centre is open this week (17/07–23/07) Tue–Fri at 16:00–20:00. Events start at 18:00. 😇

  • Tue, 18/07 at 18:00: arts and crafts club (no theme/topic)
  • Wed, 19/07 at 18:00: board game night at Behemoth’s centre, outdoor drawing next to Lodjakoda
  • Thu, 20/07 at 18:00: arts and crafts club (no theme/topic)
  • Fri, 21/07 at 18:00: just chatting (we can use conversation starters, if necessary)

See you! 😘

Our project is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.

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Outdoor sketching

Outdoor sketching

This summer we’re having sketching-painting evenings on Wednesday nights that take place in the fresh air. Bring along your drawing supplies, show up and enjoy the company, summery Tartu and making art!

🌈 We’ll meet on July 26th at 18:00 on the beach next to Lodjakoda. If you can, take along something to sit on.

🎨 If you need drawing or painting supplies, drop by Behemoth’s centre (Kalevi 15) on the same date between 16:00–18:00. We ask you to bring supplies with you, as the organizers won’t have enough for everyone on the spot.

🐾 In case you can’t attend this event, come to the next on July 26th at 18:00! The location will be decided on during the previous event and we will let you know as soon as we can, so keep an eye out for that.

💜 Our project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.

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Book club meeting 28.07

Book club meeting 28.07

Thanks to all who joined our latest book club meeting, it was lovely! We’ve chosen a book to read together: “This Is How You Lose the Time War” by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. If you love good enemies-to-lovers tension with a hint of science fiction, this story with poetic letters and time travel to both the past and the future will be perfect. 📚

📅 We will meet next time on July 28th at 18:00 for a discussion of the book. Of course, you are also very welcome to join even without having read the book. If you would like to get a PDF copy or/and join our secret book chat, please DM us. 😘

😇 The project (and this event!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.


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